Ed Bonjas Stonebook

Elvis On Tour '72 - a new Praytome Publishing project with photos by Ed Bonja

Because high-quality cameras and films were still very expensive for fans in the early 1970’s, we have few good live shots of Elvis from this period of his career. Because most fans used the then-popular Instamatic Cameras, Elvis can be seen, for the most part, as only a thumbnail or just a small, white mark on the print. Because photographers such as George Hill, Keith Alverson, Shean Shaver or the recently-deceased Harold Newton used 35mm cameras, fans were, for the first time, introduced to very good quality photos.

A rumor has persisted that “Praytome Publishing" has been working on a book with live shots from the year 1972. Today, we gladly put this rumor to rest with the announcement that we have, indeed, begun work on such a book: “Elvis Covering the Nation ’72.”

The work began several weeks ago with the photographs of Ed Bonja, the official Tour Manager and Photographer for the Elvis Presley Show during the 1970’s. Bonja’s photos are well known world-wide, because Colonel Tom Parker chose many of his photos as cover shots for Elvis’ LP Albums and Singles. Bonja met Elvis for the first time during the shooting of "Girl Happy" in 1964 and later worked with the king on tours during the 70's, as well as in Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe, where he took over 8,000 photos of Elvis and the tour happenings. Many of these photos remain unpublished even today.

As you can see, our team works on several projects at the same time, giving Elvis fans the highest possible quality, including perfectly restored negatives and transparencies and as much information as possible for the never before published pictures.

The team of Praytome Publishing can hardly wait to complete this project and present it to the world.

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Stone Website

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Author of "My Years With Elvis & The Colonel" Charles Stone visits Graceland

Glen D. Hardin

"My Years With Elvis & The Colonel"
by Charles Stone
ISBN: 978-3-00-027543-2

Charles Stone, former tour manager of Elvis Presley and employee of Concerts West, has written a book about his years with Elvis and the Colonel. The latest book by Praytome Publishing premiered during the celebration of the Colonel's 100th birthday in Breda last month.

Charles has been visiting Graceland recently and was portrayed on the official EPE Website (see picture above). Was he wearing the same sunglasses than he did for the covershot of his book ? Who knows …

However, if you are going to Memphis this summer you will find Charles' book in the Graceland Shops. Probably Mr. Stone will be also in town and on this website you will find the announcement of his schedule for appearances and special book signings.

The book is available now and you can place your order in our shop!

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Sam Thompson

Sam Thompson (left) and publisher Greg Retkowski present the latest Praytome Publishing release, "My Years With Elvis And The Colonel," a book by Charles Stone.

3rd German Elvis Festival in Rostock a great success

Sam Thompson signs the new book

Sam Thompson signs the foreword that he contributed for the new book "My Years With Elvis & The Colonel" by Charles Stone / Praytome Publishing

Last weekend, the 3rd German Elvis Festival in Rostock took place. The Open Air - event www.remember-elvis.de was well organised; and everyone there enjoyed the fun and laughter. All in all, the atmosphere was great! The main attractions for Elvis Fans were the four original Elvis VIPs:

  • Hollywood actrice, Cynthia Pepper, who worked with Elvis in his MGM motion picture "Kissin' Cousins"
  • Ed Bonja, Tourmanager and official photographer for the Elvis Presley Show
  • Dick Grob, chief of the security and member of the Memphis Mafia
  • Sam Thompson, former police officer and bodyguard for Elvis Presley

According to the host, there were over 2120 visitors to the event; and all had the opportunity to buy the latest CD and book releases and souvenirs from the Elvis dealers.

There was a drawing in which everyone got a chance to win products that where sponsored by Praytome Publishing.

The Elvis VIPs were accessible to everyone and had a great time answering fans’ questions and fulfilling requests from autograph seekers. A lot of fans took the day to get their copy of the new Praytome Publishing release, “My Years With Elvis & The Colonel,” signed by Sam Thompson who contributed the foreword for the book.

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They have their own copy of Born To Rock … do you?

Over the Years we got many orders from celebrities all over the world. Do not forget they are Elvis Fans just like us. Even Presidents order our products. We got orders from unusual people and even from unusual places. Her you see some of the celebs with their Copy of “Elvis – Born To Rock!

Hope you enjoy the Ads created by Bud Glass too. – What a talented guy. We are still very proud of this release. It is timeless …

Go to our Store to place your order …

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