After the release of the book "Elvis - Behind The Image - Volume 1" and its unbelievable success it was decided to do a different genre instead of focusing on a sequel. That's why the concert book "Elvis - Born To Rock" was released first.
Like with the DVD "Elvis - Behind The Image 2" it was the same situation we know from the great Hollywood movie history: There, second parts are mostly a cheap copy of the successful first part, the original.
The numerous fan reactions and the positive praises (see "In The Press") didn't let this product remain a product during the months after the release, but they elevated it to an institution.
It was quickly agreed that with BTI the book a classic had been created and that this ingenious format shouldn't be used to cannabalize this more than famous name.
Bud Glass and the complete Praytome Publishing Team didn't only considered it a challenge but a mission to create a worthy second part as follower of the book the fans call lovingly "Queen of Candids". So the problem resulted, to not only create something equal, but to improve something good - not an easy task for Bud Glass for the second part of his series.
In editorial staff conferences for hours all pros and cons were compared to each other and a concept for the promising book project "Elvis: Behind The Image 2 - Welcome To His World" was created.
What composed the charm of the predecessor should remain in the second part and should be complemented with new features:
The original style should remain so that the reader quickly feels homelike again. Despite the original artwork should be improved by several detail advancements, evolution instead of revolution was the motto.
The original style should remain so that the reader quickly feels homelike again. Despite the original artwork should be improved by several detail advancements, evolution instead of revolution was the motto. Like on all BG Productions we attached also in this book great importance to the information content and it should not only be a book which contains random pictures on a single page but if possible precise details concerning place and date as well as authentic stories of people which were there on the different occasions. Equally important for the producers were background information you can get through newspaper articles or show reviews.
Photos which have lost color intensity due to their age, should be post-worked. We wanted to use every possible technological help to remove kinks, cracks or stains to come up to the historic photos.
Cost & Performance
Due to the fans reacting positive to the improved paper quantity and print quality in the "Born To Rock"- book, we decided to use the same material on this project, the "BTR paper" to achieve again excellent results. While BTI 1 the book covered the years 1966-1975 we wanted to cover a larger time frame of Elvis's life in the new release. But, however, to attach the same importance to every decade of Elvis's life we used considerable more photos, which led of course to a higher number of pages. This means for the customer and fan more quality, more content while the already low cost / performance ratio, which was already established by the predecessor, was maintained. Worth mentioning is that the book is a totally independent project, like the predecessors BTI book/DVD and that it differs from the DVD according to the content. The only parallel is that the book also deals with the private and personal side of Elvis and shows the man "Behind The Image".
The producers were especially pleased when it became clear, that the dream team of the predecessor could be united again. Sandi Miller's unique journals let the private Elvis seem so human and are in addition interesting and exciting. Besides Sandi's memories, the producers were able to include further stories and reports from contemporary witnesses so that previously not so famous or totally new impressions could be documented for the fan world. The stories are being impressively illustrated by photos Sandi Miller took herself at that time and further candids, which derive from the impressive Russ Howe archive ( Photos were also used from The Bob Klein Archives ( well as from many other generous fans who were happy to share their collections with the author for this great new production.
We want to thank the eye witnesses who did not only make their stories but also their photos available for this unique work. Bud Glass took great care that these photos were presented in an appropriate and fitting mannor.
Translation by Nadine Schwenk
The Book
The book comes up to the title of the homonymous DVD but that is the only commonness you can find. The producers choose the same title because the book has the same aim as the DVD:
"Elvis - Behind The Image": The aim to show the people Elvis like they don't know him.
The life of the artist who can show himself in private moments without being beleaguered by press photographers all the time. Time and place are optional: At home, in Graceland, in one of his houses in California, in the car or in the cinema.
Elvis - 100% private
The Content
Sandi Miller's journals
Even at that time she kept detailed records in a kind of journal about the many meetings with Elvis so she has a lot of memories, she has saved over the years in her journals, to offer us. So she can report about every detail like it just happened yesterday. Bud Glass was, however, able to enthuse during his researches other contemporary witnesses for the project, thereunder famos names like Jean-Marc Gargiulo or Livio Monari, who describe their memories at those times, their personal moments and meetings with Elvis detailed to the reader. These reports are being in-depth accompanied in the finest "Behind The Image" manner with sensational photos which mirror these incidents impressively.
Why are so many fans only crazy about the young Elvis of the 50s? Is it his look, his charm or his unbiasedness or due to him standing out from the crowd because of being different ? Everybody has to find the answer for himself, but the documented incidents in word and picture ease the search for the right answer. There is the young Elvis who is just having a break and lays down in the backstage area to relax before the concert. There are the members of the "Presleyettes" fan club who come to Elvis to the Beverly Hills Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles and he takes the time to talk to them and to pose for collective photos and doesn't decline their wish for autographs. You surely knew that Nick Adams was a friend of Elvis. But do you know the photos showing the two Hollywood stars together ? In Behind The Image - Welcome To His World are not only these moments documented with photos but also the rare incident where Elvis shows his friend his property Graceland and the very rare photos where you can also see Nick Adams's mother for the first time.
Photos taken from the book "Elvis: Behind The Image" - Volume 2
Elvis caught the attention from most of us by a movie in TV or by a recording in the radio. His ability and his talent came to our home in the best manner. But this media shows however only one side: they show an Elvis who knew exactly that he had to look after every little move and his look, and that he was only allowed to do tiny jokes. The other side is offered you here in Behind The Image. Be "there" when Elvis stops in front of his different gateways with his sumptuary cars to search the closeness to the fans: during a short small talk, during candids with babies or how he is making faces or when he is not in such a good temper but anyway he takes 5 minutes time for the fans giving them a moment they will never forget their whole life.
The photos document not only the loose and easy-going kind of Elvis during his spare time, but they show outstandingly why the youth of that time took Elvis as a role model and followed suit concerning Elvis's look and clothes. His incomparable style should cause him being even alive a trend setter and that the trend he coined is still up to date nowadays. Experience Elvis how he is being surprised with presents by fans in 1968 for Father's Day, how he visits the USS Arizona War Memorial to whose construction he has contributed with his benefit concert in 1961 - an Elvis who is just coming home from the shooting of the 68 TV Special and still wearing the suit from the Gospel sequence …
Never before seen photos from the 50's featured in "BTI 2 - Welcome To His World"
Accompany Elvis backstage during his Comeback engagement in 1969 in Las Vegas, be present during the key commissioning of the first American Stutz, experience more about the meeting between Muhammad Ali and Elvis and how it came to Muhammad Ali standing suddenly in the ring in a jumpsuit design. Behind The Image is showing for the first time the photos which break all speculations off, whether Elvis was present at the Ali-Frazier fight in Memphis.
See Elvis's astonished face when he suddenly meets a double of himself, the sensational photos of the private Elvis who leaves the cinema with some Nunchakus at his belt and a gun he has put easy-going behind his belt at the front. Experience the sport avid Elvis in the karate studio together with Ed Parker and how he poses in the karate studio in a jumpsuit for common fan photos.
The rumor that the late 70's Elvis was only tired and dull is being disproved by this book impressively in reports and pictures: on one side there is an Elvis totally inflamed with rage, who leaves his hotel because the air condition has given up the ghost and runs into the next hotel directly across the street to escape the summerly heat.
Imagine Elvis a few days before his death on his Harley with a flower arrangement on his carrier - without the company of his bodyguards - on his way to Forrest Hill Cemetery where he lays down a bouquet at his mother's grave.
Behind The Image does not only give you the story to this surely unique moment, but provides also the according pictures.
Experience for example how Elvis became "Mr. Lipton" or how he stops at "Taco Bell" and why he leaves again by saying "Awwww f***".
This book will lead you through any human emotions you are able to: You will be amazed, you will laugh, you will cry or you'll just be touched.
The Realization
Quality starts, as you know, outside. Due to your bookshelf looking good, the same dimensions as on BTI 1 were used. As well, like at the homonymous predecessor, a hardcover was chosen. BTI 2 uses the same high quality printing process how it was already used for "Born To Rock". In addition the paper got a special treatment, a surface coating was applied, which will protect the pages from fingerprints remaining.
The more than 520 photos in this book are being supplemented with over 50 different illustrations like memorabilia, ticket stubs, newspaper articles or personal items.
You surely know the phenomenon of the flip-book
So the comparison with a comic ( how BTI 1 was called in a review) is pretty near. The special thing about the "BTI - flip-book" is however that it is not a silent movie, the according reports of the contemporary witnesses give the whole thing life. When you read the book you will think afterwards you would have been present in this stories.
The aim to create a condign predecessor who doesn't have to hide in the shadow of the original was reached by the producers with the thought "evolution instead of revolution": The fan gets on nearly 20 additional pages more than 200 photos compared to the first volume to the same price and the time frame, which covered in BTI - Vol.1 1966-1975 was now expanded to the time frame 1956-1977.
Translation by Nadine Schwenk
General Information on Trailers
In general fans collect (and Elvis fans are no exception) every little piece of their star. That doesn't only concern print media. They also collect commercial trailers from the TV and even documentaries where their star is only mentioned. Unfortunately the biggest star has to live with the worst marketing.
And when the fan has the luck to get a clip on an Elvis production it is often cheap produced without love, what actually doesn't accord to the artist Elvis Presley. Here, the "Behind The Image Team" goes a different way. The trailer produced by them do not only advertise a product, but they were levied to an art form. They are unusual complex (q.v. the trailer of BTI 3 and the trailer of the book "Born To Rock") and show the love to the detail and the professionalism every product of "Bud Glass Productions" and Praytome Publishing has got. That's why the whole Elvis world is looking forward in advance to every new trailer giving an insight of the newest product.
Here we want to offer you the trailer to the according product you are interested in for download. Don't miss the trailers of our other releases. You find them on the left in the menu by clicking the desired product.
Please note that the according trailers are always clips in the so called web quality (for quicker downloading). So the quality does never show the quality of the DVD/book.
Of course you'll also find all available trailers in the bonus material section (on the medium DVD) in DVD quality.
A lot of costumers attested us in their numerous E-Mails and letters that the trailers are the best the existing in the Elvis world and some even said that only the trailers were worth the money for the DVD. Q.v. "In The Press"!
So now lean back and PUMP UP the volume of your speakers :-)
Information about the BTI 2 - The book - Trailer
This trailer is the successor to what can be called the first book trailer ever. Like the book itself this trailer can't deny its origin. But that's maybe the reason for being that good ? The trailer features the now well-known BTI Book Theme song. The artwork and the content is of course different than the ones in the first trailer but the concept is similar to associate the style with its predecessor. Unfortunately, you can't see both trailers (BTI Book 1+2) at the same time. Otherwise you would say although they are completely different they are somehow like twins. Download the trailer for free to get the BTI2 trailer experience.
Well, did this trailer take your breath away?
For orders please use the menu on the left
Print Media
Announcement in the "Essential Elvis" Magazine No. 39 (March/April 2005)
Announcement taken from the TheElvisMag No. 39 (March/April 2005) of the English Club "Essential Elvis"
If you are interested in a membership or want to get in contact with the club please use the following website for more information:© 2005 by Essential Elvis
Article the "United Elvis Presley Society" Magazine No. 75 (2005)
Article taken from the Magazine No. 75 (2005) of the French / Belgian Club "United Elvis Presley Society"
If you are interested in a membership or want to get in contact with the club please use the following website address for more information:
Hubert Vindevogel (France)
Jean-Claude Piret - Colette (Belgium)© 2005 by United Elvis Presley Society
Advertisement in the "Graceland" Magazine No. 164 (July/August 2005)
Advertisement taken from the "Graceland" Magazine No. 164 (July / August 2005) of the German "Elvis Presley Society"
If you want to get in contact with the author of the clipping or are interested in a membership please use the website of the German Elvis Presley Society:© 2005 by Elvis Presley Gesellschaft
Review in the "Graceland" Magazine No. 165 (July/August 2005)
Book - Review, taken from the "Graceland" Magazine No. 165 (July/August 2005) of the German "Elvis Presley Society"
If you want to get in contact with the author of the clipping or are interested in a membership please use the website of the German Elvis Presley Society: www.EPG-ev.deBy Maria Hesterberg - Translation by Nadine Schwenk
Did you ever wonder how it was to be photographed all the time ? Being all the time surrounded by people, who have nothing to do but taking pictures of you ? Elvis Presley is arguably the only huge entertainer who never became tired of being photographed together with his fans. Just for this patience he has deserved a platinum award. But how do you review a book which consists to 90% of photos in a way, that the reader can imagine the content of the book. Let's have a try. With "Elvis Behind The Image", shortly "BTI" a series began in 2003 which will bring the Elvis world hopefully a lot of releases in the future. As the title undoubtedly clarifies the reader shall get an insight view of the life of Elvis Presley behind the curtains. Who owns the first part already knows the background of the material. Who doesn't own the first part shall get an introduction here: The two Behind The Image books are mainly based upon photographs from the collections of Bud Glass, Russ Howe and Sandi Miller, who also allows the fans an insight in her diaries. The photos are mainly unpublished and show Elvis mostly in private aside from stages and studios.
"Elvis Behind The Image, Volume 2", released in July 2005, has 144 pages with more than 500 b/w and colored pictures. The hardcover and the DIN A4 format makes the book good to handle. The paper and print quality is first class. Although the BTI products are especially popular on the German market, also the second part will be in English. Maybe the authors and publishers should be geared to other releases of the past, which were published bilingual and by that surely had a bigger audience. Because even if the photos are reason enough to buy "BTI2", the non-English reader misses a lot.
The preface was written by the "beautiful high voice" Kathy Westmoreland, who accompanied Elvis from August 1970 to June 1977 on concerts and was his beloved from time to time. But the more interesting piece of text comes from Sandi Miller: She describes in easy words that Elvis influenced her life a lot but never became her only purpose in life. Sandi describes shortly the transformation she had gone through at the time when she had intensive contact with Elvis. From a die-hard fan to a woman who got, through the collective experiences, an insight into Elvis's world only a few people on earth had. Insights that made her realize that even the biggest entertainer of the 20th century was only a human being! But she also tells the reader that Elvis was often worried about his fans: especially when they - in his opinion - exaggerated it with their adoration and aligned their complete life to his shooting and concert plan and nearly lived in front of his house. Something impresses me especially in Sandi's statements as a fan and reader. Something that probably a lot of us feel: " If I could do it again, I would put more attention to everything, the bad things as well as the good things… I think I took too much as a matter of course. Because I always thought he would always be there, that there would always be a 'next time'".
While the focus of the first book is Elvis's houses on the west coast and his stays there, this book deals with the general memories of his fans und the according photos: There is something for everybody. The 50s and 60s as well as the 70s are documented photographically. Very felicitous is the layout of the memory reports: color- stepped and in the style of a personal handwriting they are easy to distinguish from the regular explanations. Unfortunately there is also a downer. Not all of these memories can be clearly assigned to an author. Names under the texts would have been nice and would have enabled a quick identification. The photos in "BTI2" accompany Elvis's career until the day of his funeral but the artist and entertainer Elvis is not in the focus. He is barely shown in the glamorous environment of the show business but more likely in a kind of backstage atmosphere. From time to time you can even talk about private moments.
The first 23 pages cover the years 1956-63 and present, with two exceptions, only b/w photos. But especially the Elvis expert knows to appreciate such photos, because they bribe only because of the motive: Elvis in person! Gail Sanders, a member of the Fan-Club "The Presleyettes" remembers the time and tells that Elvis humor on stage was unbeatable. She confesses that surely not everybody understood his jokes, and that he had the most fun nearly lying on the floor due to laughing. Besides that she tells that she always knew where Elvis was when he was on the west coast and under which name he had checked in which hotel, due to Tom Diskin, "Colonel" Parker's assistant. (Not bad, is it ?). So he used during the shooting of "Love Me Tender" the name Clint Reno. I can't keep back one anecdote from this memories to the readers of GRACELAND: Gail also had telephonic contact to Elvis when he was in Los Angeles and so Elvis called back one day having not her but her mother on the phone. Elvis greeted her with a loose and happy "Hi, mom!" and Mrs. Sanders was shortly before unconsciousness. The according photos show us Elvis with his motorcycle cap and the green-blue bolero (despite b/w we can recognize the color"), which is corded at the sleeves and front pocket. The pictures which were taken in 1957 of Elvis show through some of the outer arrogance for which Elvis - especially in the early years - was criticized a lot. But with tie and collar he makes a rather attractive impression on me. What do you think dear female readers ?
The 60s are mainly documented with photos showing Elvis in California. If you look at the pictures very intensively and read some of the reports the coincidences are near and not nearly 40 years away! A lot of designer would love this photos ! We see Elvis in outfits that are sometimes more sportive-dressed down, sometimes more trendy and just elegant and chic. No matter what they are - they are always Elvis ! This photos prove the statements of many persons around Elvis, which all remember independent from each other, that Elvis was always dressed very well. He put great attention to his physical appearance and probably never went "unprepared" out of the house. Also other are well prepared for a meeting with the King, as this story proves: "In spring of 1968 Elvis was just shooting "Live A Little Love A Little" in Hollywood. When the shooting began at the Citizen News building, some people gathered before it to watch the location shots. Some people noticed that a woman, also standing there, had an usual deep voice. After a closer look they noticed that "she" also needed a shave. It didn't take long to realize that this was really a man wearing a dress, green pantyhose and a blonde wig.
After the director had finished the scene, Elvis took some time to greet his fans and to allow them to take pictures. While the other fans were waiting, the "blonde woman" went to Elvis and laid his arm around him. Due to all the people Elvis didn't realize who was beside him and also laid his arm around "her" for a photograph. Another fan took this pictures and later showed it to Priscilla and Patsy, who were rolling on the floor laughing and couldn't wait to kid Elvis with it. The other day Elvis came and asked the photographer for the picture. After looking at it carefully he asked: "Are you sure this was a man ?" she answered: "yes he needed a shave!" Elvis shook his head and said: " I don't know, honey…!"
Not only because of the according dates to the pictures but also due to the following photos the Elvis expert sees that the pictures are getting closer to the legendary 1968 Comeback show. Elvis changed. He changed to the man who would shortly show the whole world, that he is still the undisputed number 1 and is not going to leave this place during the next time. If anyone still doubts this, please look at the pictures in this book: We can see a human, who is content with himself and his decisions and - despite all the nervousness before the big event - is emanating a self-confidence which can hardly be beaten.
A special photographic goody from the 70s are the b/w pictures showing Elvis in unusual outfits and in unusual company (Page 106/107): Even in a simple white shirt with turned up sleeves this guy still looks fantastic. But who does he meet at the gate of his Hillcrest Home ? There is really an impersonator of the first generation ! How is this scene being described ? "It was funny watching Elvis's face talking with this guy and it was very weird to see them side by side…!" Look at Elvis's face yourself and you know that every word is needless. Unfortunately it would extend this review to much, to repeat all the impressions, experiences and memories of the persons in the book. There would be a lot more interesting material worth mentioning, which intensifies the look behind the image: Jean-Marc Gargiulo, founder of the "Treat Me Nice" fan club in France, who saw Elvis several times on and back stage; Livio Monari, the founder of the first Italian fan club who saw 14 Elvis shows and also met him back stage; or just the anecdotes Sandi Miller tells us.Conclusion:
Of course there are a lot of illustrated books within the Elvis literature but the BTI series has a special charm. It is not primarily the professional realisation but the fact that photographs are being brought into a textual, temporal and local context so that the gain even more fascination. Although the linguistic one-sidedness might be hindering to certain people is "Behind The Image, Vol. 2" a big enrichment for every Elvis collection. I'm already looking forward to the third part.© 2005 by Elvis Presley Gesellschaft
World Wide Web
Review by Sanja Meegin - Elvis Information Network Website
The review by Sandi Meegin was published 2005 on the website of "Elvis Information Network": or direct to the online-review
© 2003