Stone Cover at Dassel

The Praytome Publishing designer, Regina Wiegand, checks the first run of the cover printings

"My Years With Elvis & The Colonel" now in print

On June 25, Charles Stone's new book "My Years With Elvis & The Colonel" will premiere at the ElvisMatters four-day event "100 Years Parker, 1,000 Times Elvis" in Breda, The Netherlands. This latest Praytome Publishing project will be available to the Elvisworld when it debuts at this celebration of Colonel Parker's 100th birthday. For more information about the event, visit the official website

The weekend after next the book "My Years With Elvis & The Colonel" by Charles Stone will have its premiere during the festivities for the 100th birthday of Colonel Parker in Breda, Netherlands. The latest Praytome Publishing project will be presented to the Elvisworld during this 4-day event organized by ElvisMatters. For more information about the event visit the official website

The printing process started last Monday at Dassel Druck.

The book will be on time for the Breda event, and fans can expect a high quality product -as always: a hardcover book with unreleased pictures allowing one an inside view of the memories of Elvis Presley's tour producer, Charles Stone.

Colonel Parker was a smart manager and naming one of Elvis' albums "Something For Everybody" was also a stroke of genius. The title not only fits the Elvis' LP, but also the content of the new book by Praytome Publishing: never-before-seen pictures, new information, new documents and paperwork, new inside views...

Today, we are happy to share with you the complete cover artwork. Below, is an image of how the back cover will look:

Stone Cover Back

The backcover of Charles Stone's book "My Years With Elvis & The Colonel"

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World premiere of Charles Stone's book about his years with Elvis and the Colonel will take place at the ElvisMatters Event, "100 Years Parker - 1000 Times Elvis"

Cover - My Years With Elvis & The Colonel

Frontcover of the upcoming book release

ISBN: 978-3-00-027543-2

We all know that with the passing of Colonel Parker in 1997, not only the person of Colonel Parker was gone forever, but also gone were all of his memories. During his lifetime, neither 'the Colonel' nor his right-hand man, Tom Diskin wrote a book about the times with Elvis.

Even though Elvis has been dead for more than thirty-one years now, Elvis fans still hunger for more and detailed background information - especially about the concert years.

Charles Stone, who was born November 8, 1943, and grew up in Wichita Falls, Texas, didn't know, when he started to work for Concerts West, that one day he would work with Colonel Parker and the Elvis entourage.

Still 'Taking Care Of Business' in the Elvis world, tour producer, Charles Stone, shares his memories with Elvis fans worldwide. As tour producer for the Elvis Presley Tours in the 1970's, Charles Stone also worked closely with Colonel Tom Parker. His inside view of the business details of the Colonel and how to manage and handle the Elvis deals was something special. Charles was one of the few members who was inducted into the Colonel’s "Snowman's League" - a mysterious accommodation of the Colonel.

Along with Charles' memories, the book will present a number of private shots of Elvis on stage, a look “behind the wall" at the Colonel's private home in Palm Springs, rare shots of the sound systems, speakers and mixing boards taken and contributed by sound engineer, Bruce Jackson, and, of course, paperwork.

100 Years Parker

Charles Stone (bottom right corner) during the Elvis concert
March 11, 1974 - Hampton, VA

For the very first time, Charles Stone opens his original tour books, showing you reprinted documents and paperwork that gives you an inside view as you have never before had into the details of how the tours were produced and how things were arranged.

The rare pictures, along with the paperwork that has never before been seen, will give you a new perspective and a close-up look at how the Elvis Tours were produced.

This is definitively the very first book about "Elvis & The Colonel" that is written by a guy who was there. The storyline is based on Charles' memories, unlike previous Colonel books that were based on false assumptions and fabricated stories told by a third party.

From June 25th - June 28th, there will be a special celebration party for the 100th birthday of Colonel Parker in his hometown, Breda, The Netherlands, organized by the Belgium Fan club ElvisMatters. For more information, visit the official website for the event:

The close connection between Charles Stone and Colonel Parker and the 100th birthday anniversary of Elvis' famous manager make the perfect combination for the world premiere of the latest Praytome Publishing book

ElvisMatters will have the honour and exclusive privilege to have the world premiere of Charles Stone's book, My Years with Elvis and the Colonel.

The Praytome Publishing crew will also be in Breda for the event and to answer any questions you might have about this new release - or any previous releases.

Because the book will premiere at the ElvisMatters event, shipping will begin June 29, 2009. Contact your local dealer to order the book. German fans who place their order at Praytome Publishing (and pay immediately) will receive a special discount.

Elvis Convention 2009

Sandi Miller known from the "Elvis - Behind The Image" series is VIP guest at European Meeting

Her photos and journal entries of the times she spent with Elvis can be found in the two books and the first DVD volume of the "Elvis - Behind The Image" series. Her friendship to Elvis was something special for her and when she talks about the good days of the private human being Elvis Presley - everybody is touched …

Yes, we are talking about the famous Sandi Miller who is also a well-known guest from the Elvis Insiders Messageboard where she constantly supports the fans with her stories and by talking about her times with Elvis. Sandi will be special guest at the "Elvis Convention '09" in Randers, Denmark. Sandi will answer all your questions and will be happy to sign her books and DVDs for you.

On June 7th, Sandi will contribute to a meeting of the Dutch fanclub "Elvis For Everyone" in the Netherlands. The location for the meeting is the Hotel Hoogeveen (Mathijsenstraat 1, 7909 AP Hoogeveen) From noon to 5 P.M. she will be available for questions & answers, book signing and photos.

Elvis Convention 2009

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Dixieland Delight

The latest FTD release - a 2-CD Set titled "Dixieland Delight" is out now! This is the first collectors’ item for the upcoming multimedia-box set in cooperation with Bud Glass Productions & Praytome Publishing.

Dixieland Delight

The latest FTD release - a 2-CD Set titled "Dixieland Delight" is out now! This is the first collectors’ item for the upcoming multimedia-box set in cooperation with Bud Glass Productions & Praytome Publishing.

FTD release "Dixieland Delight" now available

On May 18, 2009 the latest “Follow That Dream" release - a 2-CD set titled 'Dixieland Delight' - has seen the light of day and is available now at your local Elvis dealer. For the first time ever, Elvis' official record label is supporting and cooperating with another company, which is well-known for delivering high-quality Elvis products. Because of this cooperation, the team of Bud Glass Productions and Praytome Publishing feels very honored.

The cooperation takes place in different areas of the product. The main topic for both the FTD-release and the Multimedia-Box set concerns the five consecutive performances of Elvis in Huntsville , AL , in 1975. On May 15th, the official press release by Praytome Publishing announced the concept of the box set, and details were revealed about the content. One of the highlights will be an extraordinary three-hour documentary with more than twenty interviewees - all of them original eyewitnesses to the shows. Also, dozens of high quality photos, as well as memorabilia and ticket stubs will be presented in a special hardcover book. Wait! There is more to discover in that box set....

To give the fans nowadays an idea of what the shows were like, the best idea is to provide them audio recordings of the performances. 'Follow That Dream', also known as FTD, liked the idea to dignify these special shows with an extra release. Soon after, the decision was made to release two shows from the Huntsville gigs (Matinee Show May 31, 1975 + Matinee Show June 1, 1975). Because the producers wanted to use all the space on the CD’s, the remaining free space was filled up with additional bonus songs from the other Huntsville shows.

When you have seen the design of the FTD package, you will quickly notice that the cooperation is clearly evident. FTD not only decided to adapt "Dixieland Delight" as the title – an original Bud Glass concept from the very beginning design for the book cover; but FTD also adapted the front cover shot of the "Dixieland Delight" book, a great shot taken by George Hill during the Matinee Show of May 31, 1975.

It's worth mentioning that this is the very first five-inch FTD release that comes with an exclusive eight-page booklet. All of the photos, tickets and memorabilia items you will find in the booklet were provided by Bud Glass Productions / Praytome Publishing. The detailed liner notes were written by Bud Glass, the author of “Dixieland Delight” and previous releases like Elvis – “Behind The Image” and “Elvis - Born To Rock”.

The package for the FTD release is really something special - not only because of the fresh artwork and classy design, but also for being a 2-CD set with an exclusive eight-page booklet. By creating this very special product, FTD producers, Ernst Jorgensen and Roger Semon, have set the tone that the five consecutive performances of Elvis Presley in Huntsville deserve very special treatment.

A special note on the inlay reads:

"In cooperation with Bud Glass Productions and Praytome Publishing for their up-coming multi-media box set: DIXIELAND DELIGHT"

As the official press release states, there will be a special placeholder where you can put your FTD release inside of the Multimedia box. That is the right place to be for the FTD!

Do not hesitate any longer! Ask your local dealer for the new FTD release, so that you will have the first collectible item - the "Dixieland Delight" 2CD Set - for the upcoming Multimedia box by Bud Glass Productions and Praytome Publishing.

Dixieland Delight

Scan from the inlay of the FTD release

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Update on "Del Webb's Sahara Tahoe"

The 'Sahara' in Lake Tahoe in 1976

The 'Sahara' in Lake Tahoe in 1976

The 'Horizon' in Lake Tahoe in 2009

The 'Horizon' in Lake Tahoe in 2009

It is always nice to hear good news instead of bad ones, don't you agree ?

The hotel formerly known as "Sahara Tahoe" will not close its doors forever.

The management decided now that the 'Horizon' will let go 75 employees. The entertainment, restaurants and rooms are all still open. The gambling tables and shots were taken away, because the Tahoe Realty company that now owns it, has not gotten their gambling license yet. When they get it, all of the gambling will return.

Tahoe Realty is running the Horizon as of now, because the Tropicana had to give it up during the bankruptcy. Looks like no decisions will be made about the Horizon until April 1, 2011.

That is really good news and you still have a chance to come up and see it.

We will keep you updated …

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